Director & Co-Founder: Branden Thornhill-Miller

Branden has been in charge of the development of the Creative Profiler 2.0. In addition to his teaching and research at Paris Descartes University (Sorbonne), he remains affiliated with the University of Oxford where he was a College Lecturer, Director of Studies, and Fellow for many years, teaching about creativity, psychometric testing, and individual differences. See his website for more information or email him at wordpressbranden”at”gmail.com.
Co-Founder: Todd Lubart

A leading authority on creativity and education with a long-time focus on cross-cultural research, Todd is Professor of Psychology at Paris Descartes University (Sorbonne Paris City University) and head of the Institute for the Scientific Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI).
He established and developed the original Creative Profiler 1.0 based on the multi-variate approach. He is now involved in the promotion and research use of the Creative Profiler 2.0 in parallel to his EPoC test for children’s creativity, which is also in use around the world. Click here for more information.